
Byram and Derron on podium at Challenge Beijing

Afterward, Lucy Byram admitted she had pushed hard on the bike to gain an advantage for the run. “I am really happy to get on the podium with such a strong field of girls. I had to ride really hard on the bike to make sure I had a good gap on the run against the fast runners. I am glad it all worked out today.”

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Arvid De Kleijn wins GP de Fourmies - La Voix du Nord
"It was a tough race with a lot of attacks, and it was pretty chaotic. But we stayed calm. We were here with the 'Dutch squad' and one Danish guy, and since we hadn’t raced together for a while due to multiple injuries, we were eager to show that we’re still a team capable of winning."
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Sarrou top finisher for BMC in World XCO Championships: Ninth

The two elite riders of Team BMC, Sarrou and Zanotti, were the last ones to get on the course at an altitude of 1,950 meters. The former French world champion managed to stay with the fastest riders for two laps, but ultimately had to settle for a spot in the top 10. Zanotti might have hoped for a slightly better result, but had to be content with 18th place.

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